Power Packs & Lamps

Powerful, robust and longlasting - Power Pack is the ideal solution for intensive shootings in studio or on location.

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31 070 XX Satos 1600 bare

Satos 1600 J (bare)

Satos 1600 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 075 XX Satos 1600 1 1

Satos 1600 J (1 | 1)

Satos 1600 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 071 XX Satos 3200 bare

Satos 3200 J (bare)

Satos 3200 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 076 XX Satos 3200 2 2

Satos 3200 J (2 | 2)

Satos 3200 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 077 XX Satos 3200 1 1

Satos 3200 J (1 | 1)

Satos 3200 J - Master any photographic challenge

Pulso l freisteller links

Pulso L 1600 J

The Pulso L features bidirectional communication with Satos, allowing for easy and direct adjustments of flash energy, colour temperature, modelling light, Cognition light, and test triggering.

Pulso l freisteller links

Pulso L 3200 J

The Pulso L features bidirectional communication with Satos, allowing for easy and direct adjustments of flash energy, colour temperature, modelling light, Cognition light, and test triggering.

32 021 XX Picolite accessories white out

Picolite Accessory Kit

Perfection is in the details. With its four sophisticated and complementing light shapers, the Picolite Accessory Kit allows you to unleash the full potential of your Picolite.

Broncolor Scoro 1600 S wifi 31 046 XX

Scoro 1600 S WiFi | RFS 2

Scoro 1600 S is the first choice for extraordinary pictures

Broncolor Scoro 3200 S wifi 31 047 XX

Scoro 3200 S WiFi | RFS 2

Scoro 3200 S is broncolor’s most advanced power pack. It is the ideal partner for intensive studio shooting.
Plug in up to three lights simultaneously and have absolute freedom of adjusting each light output individually.

Broncolor Scoro 1600 E wifi 31 066 XX

Scoro 1600 E WiFi / RFS 2

The untiring power pack in its 1600 Joules version.

Broncolor Scoro 3200 E wifi 31 067 XX

Scoro 3200 E WiFi / RFS 2

The untiring power pack in its 3200 joules version.

Broncolor Move 1200 31 016 XX

Move 1200 L (product in phase out)

The Move is a lightweight athlete with lithium battery.

Broncolor Move Outdoor Kit 1 31 036 XX

Move Outdoor Kit 1 (product in phase out)

Broncolor Move Outdoor Kit 2 31 037 XX

Move Outdoor Kit 2 (product in phase out)

Broncolor Move Outdoor Para Kit 31 038 XX

Move Outdoor Para Kit (product in phase out)

32 113 XX broncolor Unilite 1600 J

Unilite 1600 J

Unilite is broncolor's most compact standard lamp. It is compatible with every broncolor power pack and the Pulso bayonet carries all light shapers.

32 114 XX broncolor Unilite 3200 J

Unilite 3200 J

Unilite is broncolor's most compact standard lamp. It is compatible with every broncolor power pack and the Pulso bayonet carries all light shapers.

32 021 XX broncolor Picolite


Picolite is more than just a precise lamp. It is a complete system of specialized light shapers and a crossover adapter for other broncolor light shapers as well.

32 115 XX broncolor Pulso G 1600

Pulso G 1600 J

Pulso G is broncolor's bestselling lamp. And there are some good reasons for that: constant colour, light intense, robust, reliable and manually focusable.

32 116 XX broncolo Pulso G 3200

Pulso G 3200 J

Pulso G is broncolor's bestselling lamp. And there are some good reasons for that: constant colour, light intense, robust, reliable and manually focusable.

32 013 00 broncolor MobiLED

MobiLED (product in phase out)

Paired with the Move L battery power pack, you will get a highly proficient dream team that lets you experience absolute freedom in mobility – anywhere.

32 301 XX broncolor Striplite60

Striplite 60 Evolution

Lamp with a very homogeneous illumination and are successfully applied in different areas of photography (product, fashion and beauty photography).

32 341 XX broncolor Boxlite 40

Boxlite 40

30 x 40 cm acrylic area light with an extremely homogeneous illumination. Ideally suited for precise mirror-projection in brilliant objects or for small objects.

32 451 00 broncolor Lightsick


This straight flash tube with a double heat protection shield enables light design even in the places where no other lamp can reach.

32 462 XX broncolor Ringflash C

Ringflash C

Ringflash C is the on-camera flash head that creates semi-shadow contours, for still-life, fashion or food photography.

33 162 00 broncolor Sunliteset

Sunlite set

Designed for Pulso G and Unilite, the Sunlite set is specially long and U-shaped flash tube minimizes the size of the light source and thus guarantees an extremely hard light.
