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RFS 3 product image website

RFS 3C transmitter (Canon)

The broncolor RFS 3 is an extremely compact and lightweight (48g / 0.106 lbs) flash trigger. It impresses with its precise and high-contrast, full-colour OLED touch display, stylish design, High-Speed-Sync (HSS), and effortless operation.

RFS 3 product image website

RFS 3N transmitter (Nikon)

The broncolor RFS 3 is an extremely compact and lightweight (48g / 0.106 lbs) flash trigger. It impresses with its precise and high-contrast, full-colour OLED touch display, stylish design, High-Speed-Sync (HSS), and effortless operation.

RFS 3 product image website

RFS 3S transmitter (Sony)

The broncolor RFS 3 is an extremely compact and lightweight (48g / 0.106 lbs) flash trigger. It impresses with its precise and high-contrast, full-colour OLED touch display, stylish design, High-Speed-Sync (HSS), and effortless operation.

RFS 3 product image website

RFS 3F transmitter (Fuji)

The broncolor RFS 3 is an extremely compact and lightweight (48g / 0.106 lbs) flash trigger. It impresses with its precise and high-contrast, full-colour OLED touch display, stylish design, High-Speed-Sync (HSS), and effortless operation.

RFS 3 product image website

RFS 3L transmitter (Leica)

The broncolor RFS 3 is an extremely compact and lightweight (48g / 0.106 lbs) flash trigger. It impresses with its precise and high-contrast, full-colour OLED touch display, stylish design, High-Speed-Sync (HSS), and effortless operation.

36 199 99 Stapelhülse

Accessory set for stacking the charging station for up to 4 slide-in batteries

36 198 00 Lagegerät zu Satos freisteller

Satos charging station for up to 4 slide-in batteries

34 375 00 Schutzglas Pulso L

Protecting glass matt 5500 K for Pulso L

Protecting glass matt 5500 K for Pulso L

Verlängerungskabel 5m zu Pulso L

Lamp extension cable 5 m (16.4 ft) for Pulso L

Lamp extension cable 5 m (16.4 ft) for Pulso L

Verlängerungskabel 10m zu Pulso L

Lamp extension cable 10 m (32.8 ft) for Pulso L

Lamp extension cable 10 m (32.8 ft) for Pulso L

31 070 XX Satos 1600 bare

Satos 1600 J (bare)

Satos 1600 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 075 XX Satos 1600 1 1

Satos 1600 J (1 | 1)

Satos 1600 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 071 XX Satos 3200 bare

Satos 3200 J (bare)

Satos 3200 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 076 XX Satos 3200 2 2

Satos 3200 J (2 | 2)

Satos 3200 J - Master any photographic challenge

31 077 XX Satos 3200 1 1

Satos 3200 J (1 | 1)

Satos 3200 J - Master any photographic challenge

Pulso l freisteller links

Pulso L 1600 J

The Pulso L features bidirectional communication with Satos, allowing for easy and direct adjustments of flash energy, colour temperature, modelling light, Cognition light, and test triggering.
