• Justin Bettman

About Justin Bettman


Growing up in California, I was first exposed to photography by my dad who was a camera hobbyist. Photography started for me when I created a clothing company in high school. To market the clothing, I gave shirts to various bands and used my dad’s camera to photograph them wearing the products. From there, I started shooting bands outside of the company and became fascinated with music photography.

I moved on from the music industry and further explored other aspects of portraiture. I began experimenting heavily with strobes to tell a story and started shooting larger, cinematic scenes as a part of a series entitled “Dark.” After moving to New York City, I started working on “Set in the Street”, a project where I created and built elaborate interiors, but outside on the street. Now, my work is a combination of staged cinematic scenes and portraiture. Although my work has evolved, the common theme throughout my projects has been sculpting light to tell a story.

Justin's Stories