Teri Campbell & broncolor

by Teri Campbell

Named one of the best advertising photographers in the world by Archive Magazine and a lighting master by PDN, Teri Campbell is the owner and Creative Lead at Teri Studios, a destination for consumer packaged goods companies, restaurants, beverage, and food-related businesses seeking original photography and motion work for advertising and packaging.

1. Tell us about yourself.
It’s always been about the light for me. Even as a teenager in my parents’ basement, I remember being obsessed with the lighting of my model train set; the streetlights and their placement, the light coming from the various homes, gas stations, and businesses - even the headlight on the train. It all played a part in creating the perfect scene. As an adult, I find it impossible to allow others to position the landscape lights, and almost every fixture in our home has a dimmer on it! In hindsight, a career in photography was the obvious choice. Today, as a commercial food photographer and director, I help craft the visual identity for some of the most iconic brands in the world, using my lighting skills to create an emotional connection with their audience.

When not in the studio, I’m often asked to speak at industry conferences & events. And I’m also the author of - Food Photography, A Commercial Photographer’s Guide to Creating Irresistible Images.

2. How did you discover your love for photography?
I would say that I fell in love in the darkroom. I don’t think it was until I saw an image come alive on paper that I felt truly enamored. For me, the magic always happens when I see the finished piece - the print, the transparency, or the image on a screen. The moment it’s frozen in time and tangible. That’s the moment that excites me the most.

3. What inspires you and your work?
My inspiration comes from many places, but mostly from things we all see every day - packaging, advertising, architecture and movies.

4. Why did you choose broncolor?
I’ve worked with broncolor since my early days at P&G and have always admired the precision and quality they are known for. I’ve worked with other brands, too, but the consistency of the product, and the breadth of accessories available with broncolor is unmatched.

5. What is your favorite broncolor tool?
The Para 88 reflector! I originally thought it would be too large for my mostly table-top sets, but it is absolutely perfect for food photography and not too big at all. I also use it a lot in my motion work - it’s easily adaptable to my LED lights, and I get the same great quality of light.

6. How would you describe your “lighting style”?
My lighting style is “always evolving”. As an artist, I think it’s important that we continue to explore and experiment with new techniques and styles. I love doing that. I’m always testing new equipment or figuring out a new lighting technique. I want to surprise and delight my clients every day, by giving them something they didn’t even know they wanted.



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