Import images and create a surface model in Truvis Authentica Creator

Get started with Truvis Authentica Creator

In this video, you will learn how to import and process images in the Authentica Creator software in order to create your first surface model.

First, download & install the software “Authentica Creator” on your Mac or PC.

Gather your TIFF images in a folder on your computer drive. Make sure they have identical dimensions, cropping and orientation.

In Authentica Creator, click on the tab “images” and then select “open images”. Locate the folder on your computer containing the 48 TIFF images of your capture, not the individual images. You can now preview your imported images.

Create a surface model

Then, click on "create material". Define a scene name and select your device. If you use the Scope D50 with visible light, select Scope D50 VIS. If you shoot with ultraviolet or infrared light, select Scope D50 UV or IR accordingly. Then, click “Create”.

The scene creation process may take a moment and depends on the input images size & performance of your computer. During this time Authentica Creator does not react to further commands.

Your surface model is now ready and can be viewed under the tab "scene". There are 6 functions available to interact with the surface model.

With the light bulb symbol, you can control the angle of incidence of the light. With the "hand tool" you can pan the object and position it. With the rectangle symbol, you can switch to full-screen mode. Using the zoom buttons or the scroll wheel of your mouse, you can zoom in or out. To reset the original camera settings, click on the "Home" button.