The possibilities offered by the LED F160 just got bigger with the introduction of the LED F160 Versatility Kit!
Not only, we can now shoot photographs and videos with the same lamp and therefore in the identical mood
, but we can also go on-location even if there is no electric plug available.
The LED F160 includes several items: 1 LED F160, 1 main adapter for studio work, 1 battery and charger for on-location creations, a V-mount to plug the battery on a stand, and 2 reflectors: the umbrella reflector 120mm and the L40 standard reflector. The latter allows me to shape the light more precisely (e.g.with grids) and take better advantage of the manual focusing option. Thanks to the light reflection in the reflector, the light power is enhanced and illumination optimized. All these items come in a handy Flash Bag 1.1 for easy transportation.
For today's shooting session, I decided to go on-site close to the Rhine river in Basel and do different atmosphere shots.
At each location, I used a different light setup, but only once I needed more than one single light to get the best picture. I mostly shot with the L40 reflector to better control the light and to get the highest possible light output. This was essential, as we started shooting outdoors at 3pm in a rather bright environment. I always chose a relatively warm color temperature setting on the LED F160: Values between 3400 and 4000 Kelvin created beautiful skin tones even in the shadows and looked very natural once the sun got lower. As the LED F160 is compatible with the large variety of broncolor light shapers, I took this opportunity to use the Octaboxes 75 and 150 for two shots (not included in the kit). This allowed me to get a much softer light and a larger illumination area.
The variety of atmosphere of both, photos and videos, was a cool achievement. Hats off to the model Janina and my assistant Céline who both followed me into the 15°C river.