Capture the moment

by Aquilino Paparo

Photographer Aquilino Paparo captured incredible moments in time with great preparation and planning.

Aquilino Paparo: "As photographing liquids is very difficult, it was extremely complicated to create the set, especially to cover the equipment used during the shoot.

I used Broncolor MOVE 1200L to stop the liquid and the glasses while they were in the air with 2 Mobile LED lights. Its high flash duration of 1/10'000 s (t 0.1) allowed me to freeze the action.

With Broncolor equipment you don't have to be afraid to face any challenges. They give you the possibility to work without any anxiety, because you are sure of the quality and speed of action."

Camera: H6D 100C with a 120mm Macro, Shutter speed: 1/500, Aperture: f/16, ISO: 400


Aquilino Paparo - Photography & Cinema
