by Clifton Lee

"ANATTA" is a photography project about the perception of life. Through the combination of life, nature, and installation, it aims to interpret the exploration and tribute to the origin of all things. This project seeks to delve into "ANATTA," a concept in Buddhist philosophy that suggests the non-permanent and interdependent nature of existence, rather than seeing individual existence as separate and eternal. Through this lens, "ANATTA" endeavors to uncover the essence of life, emphasizing the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things.

Clifton Lee: "In this project, I plan to capture the raw beauty of nature and the harmonious coexistence between man-made objects and natural elements through photography. This includes creating and placing installation art within natural landscapes, as well as utilizing light, shadow, and color to highlight the diversity and complexity of life. Each photograph is intended to provoke reflection on life, existence, and the deep connections within the natural world.

Through "ANATTA," I hope to evoke a respect for the environment, an appreciation for the diversity of life, and a deeper understanding of existence. This project is not only a tribute to the origins of life but also a challenge to the viewer's self-perception, encouraging people to contemplate their relationship with the world and how to find harmony between the individual and the universe while protecting our shared home.

Thank you, broncolor, for once again fulfilling a crucial function in a demanding creative shoot more than satisfactorily! Due to the project being shot in winter, the natural light in the scene was sparse, and the space was rather narrow, making it difficult to illuminate well with natural sunlight. At this time, the Siros 800L fully met my needs because it is very lightweight and portable, allowing for handheld lighting from any angle.

During the shoot, I used the Octabox 150 cm as the main light placed at a 45-degree angle in front of the model for fill lighting, which perfectly showcased the fine details of the subject's face and the texture of the clothing with its excellent soft light. At the same time, I held the Softbox 60 x 60 cm behind the model for contour fill lighting. The Siros 800L, combined with the Softbox 60 x 60 cm lightness, allowed for easy handheld lighting in various parts of the shooting location.

In summary, the broncolor Siros series and its corresponding soft light accessories can perfectly meet my lighting needs during creation in any outdoor location with poor lighting."