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环型闪光灯- C型


厂商建议零售价 | 不包括当地税项

3,153.00 EUR

Ringflash C环型闪光灯是相机上的闪光灯头,可创建半阴影轮廓,适用于静物,时尚或食品摄影。

- 最高3200 J
- 光圈值f-stop at 2 m (6 1/2 ft) 距离, 100 ISO: f 45 1/10
- 200 W 造型灯
- 200 – 240 V: 10 x 20 W/24 V
- 100 – 120 V: 10 x 20W/12 V
- 内含闪管、造型灯泡和反光保护罩r
- 保护玻璃
- 相机固定支架, 灯头接连线 5米
- 兼容布朗电源箱
- 可选配环闪C转换套装

1 Ringflash 环型闪光灯- C型
1 操作说明
1 安全说明

Orchestrating reflections and shadows more deliberately and spontaneously.

The light of a Ringflash is known for its very uniform – at best slightly centre oriented – fill. Honeycomb grids allow the lighting angle to be directed more accurately. As a result, illumination similar to a spotlight is achieved while retaining the typical shadowless characteristics the Ringflash is known for. The angle of the Ringflash C can be adjusted independently from the camera, allowing more flexibility for directing light to the area where accentuation is desired.

Light characteristics

When using a Ringflash, the light source is evenly distributed around and very close to the lens. Light without shadows is the result. With one exception: If a background is not illuminated with additional (natural or artificial) light, shadow contours may appear around the object or model. These shadows are larger when the object is farther away from the background.