How to Shoot Motion Blur Portrait with Continuous LED light and Flash

by Karl Taylor & Urs Recher

Combining flash and continuous light in photography can result in stunning cinematographic images. To merge the motion blur, as we know it from movies, with super sharp elements of photography, you will need to know how to set up your studio lights.

In this video, Urs Recher and Karl Taylor demonstrate a method of shooting dynamic images with a simple flash-based beauty set up and an additional continuous light.

The Beauty dish and the Softbox used in this video were both attached to broncolor Siros S which ensured a sharp look around the face of the model. Moreover, using additional honeycomb grids enabled them to focus the flashes even more precisely on the model’s face. To create a blurred dynamic effect in the hair, body, jewelry, and background, they used the continuous light of the broncolor LED F160.