Playstation Sunglasses

Ilona D. Veresk

Hi everyone, Ilona D. Veresk with you again!

I brought up one of my new conceptual projects, as always mixed with fashion.

This is the thing I'm recently thinking about: Is this world real?
If shortly, one of the modern theories was talking about virtuality of our reality. Of course it's just a philosophy now, but how strange it feels when you are playing video games and really think what you can live some more different lives than one.

"Playstation sunglasses - the sponsor of my pale skin and dark circles under eyes!"

Not only this sure, just joking :)

I wanted to create here a super-soft light with filled shadows, kind of "ring light", however not so "ring" as a ring light itself. For my aim it is too glamorous. We are shooting creepy story, right?

So, we need to make the perfectly clean broncolor gear a little bit dirtier.

One of the things which can solve this task is a mixing impulse with natural light (window).
Luckily - we had 2 big windows and neutral (about 50% gray) walls around which gives us no reflexes. I choose an octabox 150 and Move 1200L with MobiLED. Only one source on a minimal power. However, the windows on a "minimal power" too. (Welcome to gray Moscow!)

Camera on a tripod, exposure are about 1/60 - 1/100 variable, depends of lighting outside.

Now we just move the octabox closer to the model and get rid out of first diffusor to get a bit more strange and sharp shadow. We are trying to give a chance to natural light to be visible on our picture, or you can use second octabox, it will be nice too but "cleaner". Depending on a picture I tried to keep a power on a same level with windows or a bit more.

A very simple scheme to use :)

Other images were made using same way, but varying distance and power of light source.

broncolor Move 1200L + one MobiLED
Octabox 150
Canon 6D + 24-105 f/4