The broncolor patented ECTC technology guarantees a constant average color temperature over the entire output range.
ECTC (Enhanced Colour Temperature Control) precisely balances the colder and bluish light at the beginning of a flash discharge with the warmer and reddish light towards the end.

With this unique technology broncolor controls the light output over 11 f-stop at constant color temperature. There is no other technology which compares with this performance. With other technologies such a constant color temperature can only be attained over a maximum of four f-stops. If multiple lamp heads are connected, the constant color temperature is guaranteed on all channels with an asymmetry of up to two f-stops. The color varies by only +/- 50 K over the entire power range.

Even for fast flash sequences, constant color temperature and quantity of light are the primary quality criteria for broncolor products.
High and low power setting (open and closed aperture) with the same color temperature.

with broncolor Technology
Without ECTC: The color temperature drops drastically when reducing the power by several f-stops.

without broncolor Technology